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We (Kyle and Candice) adopted Anastasia and her twin sister, Athena, when they were just two days old. The twins were born almost three months early and lived in a Florida hospital for the first two months of their lives. Athena improved rapidly and grew healthy and strong. Athena was discharged to us weighing 5 lbs and full of attitude! Both her weight and character have continued to grow ever since!


Anastasia struggled from the beginning to catch up and learn to eat and breathe on her own. Born at 2 lbs, she dropped to just 1lb 8 oz (850 grams) and required the highest level of care in the NICU. Eventually the hospital arranged for Anastasia to be sent by air ambulance to a Chicago hospital, closer to home. The day after arriving in our hometown, we received the devastating news that Anastasia had an extremely rare chromosomal disorder called Trisomy 9 Mosaic.


The first four years of life have been hard for Anastasia. She spent six months in three NICUs across the USA, she has been hospitalized 18 times since then and has had six surgeries. Anna endures 10 therapy appointments each week as well as multiple check ups and invasive tests every month.


Helping her manage her busy schedule is a dedicated team of seven home health nurses, 19 doctors, eight therapists, her family and of course her twin sister.


Anastasia is special, but she is also just like any other little girl. She loves her toys, music and animals. The specialists don't know how she will develop or even how long she will live, but we hope she will graduate from her wheelchair, learn to eat by mouth and talk someday. In fact, we like to think that rather than simply walk, Anastasia will fly, We are doing all that we can to help her to do so. 


Fly Anna FLY!


Anna's Wish List

Anastasia is growing quickly! She needs feeding tube onesies as well as a adaptive toys to learn to hold objects and sit up.


Most of all, we are fundraising for a service dog for Anastasia that will detect her seizures, tow her wheelchair and keep her safe. This very special dog is undergoing a 2-year training program in Ohio to learn 80 commands to make Anastasia's life easier. We need to fundraise $17,000 to be able to bring the service dog home for Anastasia in November 2021. Health insurance won't pay for service dogs, so we are relying on the generosity of family and friends to help us pay for all of the specialized epilepsy and mobility training.



Service dog $17,000


Feeding tube clothing: Size 6 $15-$24


We appreciate your help in making these hopes a reality through financial donations, or purchasing a gift from Anastasia's Amazon wish list.


Anastasia has a bank account just for her service dog.


To donate, please click here.


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Anna's Wish List

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